Campus Sustainability Advances Waste Minimization with New Sustainability Initiatives

New York City’s “Skip the Stuff” law went into effect in August and covers take out from food trucks and restaurants. You can do your part by saying no to unnecessary single-use plastic items.

Centralized Waste Sorting: Deskside and classroom trash bins will be phased out of Boylan Hall, West Quad, Whitman Hall, and Leonard & Claire Tow Center for the Performing Arts (PAC) buildings this fall. Sorting stations will remain in common areas, including office suites. Centralizing waste boosts recycling rates, minimizes plastic usage, and helps control pests.

The 2024 Waste Audit Report is finalized. Read about the college’s waste habits, opportunities to compost, and how single-use-plastics continue to flood our waste streams.

For more information or questions, please reach out to Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at or visit the EHS website. To learn more about sustainability efforts, you can contact Campus Sustainability at or visit their sustainability page.