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  3. NTL Credit Card and PaymentNet®

NTL Credit Card and PaymentNet®

Getting Started

The Non-Tax Levy credit card program is administered by the Office of Internal Audit.

Brooklyn College has entered into an agreement with J.P. Morgan to provide a new Non-Tax Levy Credit Card program platform called PaymentNet®. The new cards that you will receive will replace the existing cards you currently have. Advantages and next steps of this new program are included below.

The advantages of this new program include:

  • Brooklyn College entity specific Non-Tax Levy expense code tracking
  • Access to real-time card usage data to enable better control of expenses 
  • Reduced administrative time associated with expense report processing 
  • Fraud prevention and detection program

The J.P. Morgan PaymentNet® application is a self-service reconciliation platform that allows cardholders and their supervisors to monitor and control their credit card transactions. Cardholders, or their proxies, must review and reconcile the charges to their J.P. Morgan PaymentNet® cards at the end of each month, on or around the 16th.

Live PaymentNet® Training Sessions

We are pleased to announce that J.P. Morgan will support the College with live training sessions as the new PaymentNet® platform is rolled out.

Cardholder Training:

TBD – forthcoming

Transaction Approver (Supervisor) Training:

TBD – forthcoming


Avril Chase (Internal Audit)

Alan Paul (Internal Audit)

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