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Step Guide 1: How to Become an FWS Supervisor

The guide below outlines who is eligible to be an FWS supervisor and how such eligible staff can become an FWS Supervisor. Note that there are some procedural differences between on-campus FWS Supervisors (those who work at Brooklyn College) and off-campus FWS supervisors (those who do not work at Brooklyn College). The step guide is noted with appropriate headings when a distinction in process is required.

NOTE: Staff who have already been approved as FWS supervisors under the process outlined below and have a JobX and TimsheetX login credential should skip to “Step Guide 2: How to Submit a Job Description in JobX”.

Step 1 – Determine if you are Eligible to be an FWS Supervisor

The following Faculty and Staff are eligible to become an FWS Supervisor

  • Academic Department Chairs
  • Administrative Department Heads
  • Higher Education Officer (HEO) series employees
  • College Laboratory Technicians (CLT)
  • CUNY Office Assistants (COA/Gittleson)
  • Off campus agencies that have an approved contract each year with CUNY

The following Staff are NOT eligible to become an FWS Supervisor

  • Part-time employees such as college assistants
  • Research Foundation employees even if they are employed full-time.

Step 2 – Complete the FWS Supervisor Orientation

On-Campus Faculty and Staff

On-campus employees must self-enroll in the online orientation course for on-campus FWS Supervisors in Blackboard. It must be completed and the certificate obtained before completing the next step.

Refer to the Step Guide: “How to Self-Enroll in the FWS Supervisor Orientation in Blackboard” for instructions on how to access the orientation course and download the certificate.

Off-Campus Staff

Off-campus employees, who work for an agency that has a contract with CUNY, must review the online orientation for off-campus FWS Supervisors

Step 3 – Submit the “Responsibilities for FWS Supervisors” electronic Dynamic Form.

On-Campus Faculty and Staff

Access the “Responsibilities for FWS Supervisors” electronic Dynamic Form and login using your BC WebCentral login credentials. You will review the outlined responsibilities, complete, sign and submit the form. You will need to upload the certificate of completion from the Blackboard FWS orientation course indicated in step 2 (see screenshot below).

This form only needs to be completed once. Returning FWS Supervisors must also complete this form if:

They have never completed the electronic form previously
They have not uploaded the certificate of completion for the orientation before.

Off-Campus Staff

Access the  “Responsibilities for FWS Supervisors” electronic Dynamic Form. Follow the prompts to create Dynamic Forms login credentials so you can access the form. Complete, sign and submit the form. 

This form only needs to be completed the first time becoming an FWS supervisor at Brooklyn College or if the supervisor has not completed it previously.

Step 4 – Access the JobX System

The JobX System is the system used to submit job descriptions for FWS positions and to submit hire requests for FWS students that you seek to hire. The TimehseetX system is the system used to submit, approve and edit timesheets for FWS employees and is outlined in a separate article related to timesheet submission and payroll processes. Both systems are accessed at the same website portal.

First time FWS Supervisors you must first request access to the system before they can submit a job description or hire request. Returning supervisors can login using their credentials.

Access the JobX System homepage.

On-Campus Faculty and Staff

Click on “On-Campus Employers”

First Time FWS Supervisors should then click “Request a Login”. Returning FWS Supervisors can click on “JobX Login” and use their credentials to login to the system.

First time FWS supervisors will complete the “Request Login permission” form and submit.

Off Campus Staff

Click on “Off-Campus Employers”

First Time FWS Supervisors Click on “Request Login”. Returning FWS Supervisors can use the “JobX login” link and credentials to login to the system.

First time FWS supervisors will complete the “Request Login permission” form and submit.

Step 5 – Review the JobX and Timesheet X System FWS Supervisor Training Guides

On Campus Supervisor Training

Within the JobX and TimesheetX systems portal there are step guides for each part of the FWS Supervisor process. Each training guide, is available before your login is approved. Each of the training guides have been linked below for more convenient access.

  1. On-Campus Supervisor Login
  2. Add and Edit Jobs
  3. Applicant Interview Process
  4. Hire Applicant
  5. Start, Edit, and Approve Timesheets
  6. Payroll Information

Off Campus Supervisor Training

Within the JobX and TimesheetX systems portal there are step guides for each part of the FWS Supervisor process. Each training guide, is available before your login is approved. Each of the training guides have been linked below for more convenient access.

  1. Off-Campus Supervisor Login
  2. Add and Edit Jobs
  3. Applicant Interview Process
  4. Hire Applicant
  5. Start, Edit, and Approve Timesheets
  6. Payroll Information

Step 6 (First-Time Supervisors only)- Receive Confirmation that you have access to the JobX and TimehseetX systems

First-time FWS supervisors will receive a confirmation within 2-3 weeks of when they have submitted the “login request.”

Once you have your login and can access the JobX and TimehseetX systems you will be able to login and submit job descriptions for review.

NEXT STEP -Submit a Job Description

Step Guide 2: How to Submit a Job Description in JobX