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  2. Step Guide 2: How to Submit a Job Description in JobX

Step Guide 2: How to Submit a Job Description in JobX

Before you can submit a job description in JobX you must first become an FWS Supervisor. If you are not already an approved FWS Supervisor please refer to the “Step Guide 1: How to Become an FWS Supervisor“.

Step 1 – Review the FWS Supervisor Training on How to Add or Edit Jobs

JobX has a PDF training presentation available in the portal (for both on-campus and off-campus supervisors). It provides an outline of how to add or edit a job.

On-Campus Supervisor Portal

Off-Campus Supervisor Portal

Login to the JobX system and follow the appropriate guide above to enter the required information to create or edit your job.

Note About Jobs Posted from a Prior Year

You must submit a new job description each year, even for a job that was posted in the prior year. For technical reasons, do not remove the prior job description from storage. You may copy and paste the text from the prior job description into the new submission.

Step 2 – FWS Staff Review Your Job Description

Your job description must be reviewed by FWS staff to ensure it complies with federal program regulations before it can be made available to students to apply. Job descriptions complying with federal program regulations will be approved and an email will be sent to the FWS supervisor informing them that the job description is posted. Job descriptions that do not will be sent back for editing until they comply with the regulations. Supervisors will receive an email notification when a job description is sent back for editing.

Step 3 – Your Job Is Approved

Once your job description is approved in JobX, eligible FWS students will be able to search and apply for the position(s).

If you have a student that you want to rehire from a prior year please inform them to follow the steps outlined in Federal Work-Study Student Process Guide. Students who filed a FAFSA but did not receive an FWS offer can submit an appeal request for funding via the Dynamic Forms system (information for the student is in step 3 of the process guide linked above) .

On-campus supervisors should refer to the Applicant Interview Process guide to review how to review resumes, email applicants for interview and notify applicants that did not get the position.

Off-campus supervisors should refer to the Applicant Interview Process guide to review how to review resumes, email applicants for interview and notify applicants that did not get the position.

Step 4 – Promote your Job and Start Receiving Resumes and Job Applications

You can promote FWS job opportunities to eligible students (who have accepted their FWS offer on their financial aid package) in your academic department. They will need to have completed steps 1-6 of the Federal Work-Study Student Process Guide before they can apply for your job.

If you have a particular student in mind and are unsure if the student is eligible to apply for your FWS position(s) please email FWSSupervisor@brooklyn.cuny.edu and provide the student’s name and EMPLID number.

Step 5 – Contact FWS Students and Schedule Job Interviews

Once you start receiving resumes you can conduct interviews to determine the best candidate(s) for your position (refer to step 3 above for guides on using the JobX system to access resumes and contact applicants). Once you confirm which candidate(s) you would like to hire you will submit a “hire request” in the JobX system.

NOTE: You must also notify students that you did not select for the position so as not to delay other FWS opportunities that may be available to them. You can reject their application in the JobX system. Refer to step 3 above for guides on using the JobX system to notify applicants that were not selected.


Refer to the article “Step Guide 3: How to Hire an FWS Student into an FWS Position” for instructions on the next part of the hiring process.