Diversity and Equity

The Office of Diversity and Equity provides education about and facilitates the college’s compliance with state and federal affirmative action and nondiscrimination laws, including laws prohibiting sexual harassment. The office also implements university policies that enforce those laws.

Available Training

Implicit Bias

This training raises awareness of implicit biases and how these mental shortcuts can affect our actions and judgments. The training also shares tools and strategies for participants to focus objectively to make equitable decisions in the search process.

Inclusive Workplace

This training covers the various compliance laws and CUNY policies pertaining to equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination, and sexual misconduct, and highlights campus contacts available to address employees’ questions and concerns.

Please contact Tunji Fussell for more information.

Preventing Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace

This training provides a general overview of relevant policies related to sexual misconduct, gender-based violence, and discrimination, tips on how employees can prevent potential issues related to these policies, as well as required duties for managers and supervisors pursuant to the policies. This training is available for all faculty and staff and is targeted for managers/supervisors.

Please contact Michelle Vargas for more information.

Reasonable Accommodations

Brooklyn College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to allow qualified individuals the opportunity to work at the college. The college provides accommodations pursuant to the CUNY Policy on Reasonable Accommodations and Academic Adjustments. This training provides an overview of that policy and explains how it is implemented at the college.

This training will be available online and in person upon request beginning in Spring 2024.

2147 Boylan Hall
P: 718.951.4128
Executive Legal Counsel and Labor Designee, Interim Chief Diversity Officer: Sarah Luke
E: Sarah.Luke@brooklyn.cuny.edu | P: 718.951.4128

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