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Do I have access to Adobe Creative Cloud?

Adobe Creative Cloud licenses are available to all full-time faculty and staff. The accounts are automatically created using your college email address — you do not need to create your own account.

If you are a part-time employee that requires Adobe Creative Cloud access, please contact the IT Helpdesk to request an account (justification will be required).

How to install Adobe Creative Cloud applications

About the college Adobe Creative Cloud license

This license will enable you to have access to Adobe off campus. If you are on campus, your office computer already has a licensed copy of Adobe software preinstalled.

You created a free Adobe account when you first got your office machine. That was required in order to activate your on-campus license. If the email address you signed up with, to activate your office computers software, happens to have been your BC email there is nothing else you need to do.

If you signed up with a different email address to activate your software on your office computer, you can continue using that on your office machine. However, if you would like to use Adobe off campus then you must use your BC email address as the account to license the software.

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