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FERPA and the Protection of Student Education Records

What is FERPA?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended (also sometimes referred to as the Buckley Amendment), is a federal law regarding the privacy of student records and the obligations of the institution, primarily related to the release of the records and the access provided to these records. Any educational institution that receives funds from the U.S. Secretary of Education is bound by FERPA requirements. Institutions that fail to comply with FERPA may have funds withheld by the Secretary of Education.

CUNY’s guidelines for the implementation of the Student Records Access Policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) can be found here.

What are education records?

Under FERPA, education records are defined as records that are directly related to a student and are maintained by an education agency/institution or by a third party acting for the agency/institution. Education records can exist in any medium, including typed, computer generated, videotape, audiotape, film, microfilm, microfiche, and e-mail.

College students, regardless of age, are considered to be the owners of their education records.

Parents and guardians may not have access to education records, even if they contribute to their student’s financial records, unless permission is granted by the student.

What is directory or public information?

FERPA has specifically identified certain information called directory information that may be disclosed without student consent. A student who wishes to not have directory information disclosed must opt out of all categories. There is no option to select the particular directory information category to not disclose.

Brooklyn College has designated the following information as directory information and will release this information unless the student has submitted a request for nondisclosure:

  • name
  • attendance dates (periods of enrollment)
  • address
  • telephone number
  • emplID
  • photograph
  • e-mail address*
  • full- or part-time status
  • enrollment status (undergraduate, graduate)
  • level of education (credits) completed
  • major field of study
  • degree enrolled for
  • participation in officially recognized activities other than sports
  • participation in sports (teams)
  • height, if member of athletic team
  • weight, if member of athletic team
  • previous school attended
  • degrees received
  • honors and awards received

*Directory information only if the information is being provided to employees of the university (either at the same college or a different college) for legitimate business purposes.

Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, students have the right to withhold the disclosure of the “Directory Information” listed above. They can visit our website to find the appropriate forms or contact us with any questions.

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