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  3. I have a health and safety concern about my area (e.g. drinking water tastes funny, poor ventilation).

I have a health and safety concern about my area (e.g. drinking water tastes funny, poor ventilation).

Brooklyn College is committed to providing a campus environment that is free from recognized health and safety hazards in accordance with applicable regulations. The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) coordinates environmental health and safety on campus and administers the implementation of mandated environmental and occupational health and safety programs for the college. The EHS Office also provides technical and administrative support for issues related to occupational health and safety, chemical and radiation safety, and hazardous materials management.

Concerns regarding a possible hazardous situation should be promptly brought to the attention of the supervisor or area head. If further assistance is needed, contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. Unsafe conditions should also be reported to EHS, Facilities, or Public Safety, as appropriate. In the event of an injury, first aid should be sought immediately by contacting Public Safety. An injury report should be forwarded to the Office of Payroll. The employee’s direct supervisor also needs to complete a report and take necessary steps to correct conditions.

Required safety training is conducted for all college employees who routinely come in contact with hazardous materials in their work environment. Initial and annual refresher training is provided in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations. The EHS Office also maintains copies of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for hazardous substances used on campus. The SDS are available to all employees whose job-related activities may require them to handle these materials. Concerns regarding asbestos-containing materials, lead-based paint, indoor air quality, and other related safety questions should be referred to the EHS Office.

Contact us via e-mail at ehs@brooklyn.cuny.edu or leave us a message at ext. 6229

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