Prior to making any purchases with personal funds, check with the Office of Accounts Payable to determine whether the expenditure is allowable. Requests may be submitted only for business-related out-of-pocket expenses that could not be paid with a purchase order or the college’s credit cards. Examples include local travel expenses for meetings, subscriptions, and emergency supplies.
Expense reports for Brooklyn College employees must be created and approved in CUNYfirst. Original paperwork must be submitted to the Office of Accounts Payable. See how to create an expense report.
- A copy of the CUNYfirst Expense Report (State employees only).
- Non-PO Voucher Form, typewritten and signed in ink. Follow the instructions on the second page of the form.
- All original itemized receipts. Tape small receipts to an 8½ x 11-inch sheet of paper.
- Detailed letter of justification explaining why the purchase cannot be submitted through the requisition process.
- If a personal vehicle was used, submit a properly executed Automobile Expense Form and check with the Office of Accounts Payable regarding current mileage rates. Print and attach a map showing miles traveled.
- Proof of payment for all purchases made via credit or debit cards must include the statement(s) showing the account holder’s name, last four digits of the card, and charges. All irrelevant information on the statement may be obscured. If the payment was made with a check, attach a copy of the cancelled check from the bank.
State employees receiving their payroll checks via direct deposit will receive the reimbursement as a separate deposit transaction into the same account(s). The transaction description on the bank statement will show that the deposit was made by OSC (Office of the State Comptroller). If direct deposit is not set up, a check will be mailed to the address on file with the Payroll Office.
Non-state employees and students will receive the reimbursement in the form of a check, mailed to the address provided on the Non-PO Voucher Form.