Re-Appointment Instructions

You must obtain an active list of your current Classified Hourly employees to identify the reappoint and non-re-appointments. To obtain a list of your active employees, you will need run a report in the e-Appointments system.

Please see the instructions below:

  1. Log into e-Appointments and press Run Appointment Reports
  2. For Report type, choose CA Appointments Report 
  3. For Fiscal Year, choose Fiscal Year 2023 (CA)
  4. Press get report

Additionally, on Monday, May 22, 2023, e-Appointments will be opened so that you can start entering the employees you wish to reappoint. Please note, the deadline to complete this will be Friday, June 12, 2023.

To reappoint your Classified Hourly, please see below for instructions:

  1. Log into e-Appointments and locate where it says Would you like to start a New Appointment Form 
  2. Enter the re-appointed employee information.
  3. For Choose appointment type, click College Assistant reappointment.
  4. For Select a term, click Fiscal Year 2024 (CA) (Please note, the option for FY24 will be made available on May 22nd)
  5. Press Submit

From there, the information for the employee should auto-populate. Double-check to make sure that their information matches the one in the past. Next, enter the total amount of hours you wish to appoint them for FY24 and then submit to Budget. Checks and balances must be performed to ensure that you have captured all your re-appointments.

Please be sure to frequently check your email for any notifications from e-Appointments regarding the status of your Classified Hourly Employees.

Please be aware, any employee who was active Fiscal Year 2023 who is not in e-Appointments by Friday June 12, 2023, for Fiscal Year 2024, will be considered non-reappointed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact or

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