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  4. What instructional options are available to teach my students about using Library resources for research?

What instructional options are available to teach my students about using Library resources for research?

The Library provides instructional sessions that teach students about the Library’s resources and services.

We aim to enhance the academic experience of Brooklyn College students, to improve their research skills, and to foster information literacy and critical thinking. The Library highly encourages faculty in all departments to include library sessions in those courses that have a research component. Together we can introduce your students to:

  • doing research at the college level
  • effectively searching, locating, and evaluating information
  • popular and scholarly resources relevant to a specific assignment
  • basic and advanced searching of library resources, such as the catalog and article databases
  • discipline-specific resources and scholarly communication within that discipline

Please note that classroom faculty are expected to be active participants in library research sessions for their courses.

To request an instruction session, please reach out to your subject Librarian (unless it is for an ENG1010 or ENG1012 class- more information below).

We look forward to working with you and your students!

ENGL 1010 – The Library Online Orientation Program (LOOP)

The Library Online Orientation Program (LOOP) is an Academic Foundations requirement for all students enrolled in English 1010. The LOOP is of great value to students and provides them with an important introduction to the library’s services and resources.

Questions about the LOOP and the LOOP requirement may be directed to Prof. Mariana Regalado (Regalado@brooklyn.cuny.edu) while Prof. Helen Georgas is on sabbatical for Fall 2024 (hgeorgas@brooklyn.cuny.edu).

English 1010 Faculty: Please be sure to tell your students about this college-wide requirement early on in the semester, so that students can take advantage of everything the Library has to offer.

ENGL 1012

Librarians will provide a research session class for all English 1012 sections to enhance student understanding of research resources and techniques, a stated objective of English 1012.

English 1012 Faculty: Please use this form to request a library session. If you have worked with a subject specialist in the past, feel free to contact them directly to arrange for an instruction session.

Among the topics covered in library instruction are:

  • How to do basic and advanced searching in OneSearch
  • How to choose and use subject-specific journal databases to find relevant articles
  • How to construct effective keyword and subject searches
  • How to evaluate information and its sources for quality
  • How to use the Web for scholarly research

Note: Library research sessions are most effective when students already have their research topics, so please keep this in mind when requesting a session.

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