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  4. Where can I store research data that includes personal information (PII) for human subjects?

Where can I store research data that includes personal information (PII) for human subjects?

The CUNY Acceptable Use of University Data in the Cloud Policy prohibits storing personally identifiable information (PII) on public cloud services, such as Dropbox and Microsoft Office 365. Review the data classification table to determine if your research data is considered PII. If you are still unsure, contact your department chair.

If your research data includes PII, Brooklyn College offers two storage options:

On-campus only access

If you only need to access your files on-campus, local file servers are available for most departments. Contact your department chair for details.

Remote access

If you need access to your research data remotely, Brooklyn College has a local cloud server that requires a VPN to access. A VPN allows you securely access campus-only software remotely. Contact the IT Helpdesk to request VPN access.

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