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  4. How do I enter grades using the CUNYfirst grade roster?

How do I enter grades using the CUNYfirst grade roster?

Instructors can enter, review, approve and submit grades on the CUNYfirst Grade Roster. Grade rosters are generated by the Office of the Registrar and made available to faculty members in their Faculty Center.

  1. Log into CUNYfirst
  2. Click the Faculty Center tile
  3. Click the Grade Roster tile
  4. To view the grade roster for a class, click the Grade Roster icon to the left of the Class.
    NOTE: Grade rosters will be available in CUNYfirst once the official grade period has started, which is the first day of final exams
  5. To change the term or institution click on the Change term button
  6. On the Select Term page, you can choose the radio button to pick the semester and institution you want to view
  7. Entering Student Grades one at a time.
    1. You can manually enter grades by clicking on the grade dropdown box by each student and then select the grade
  8. Entering Grades for Multiple Students.
    1. Click the check box to insert a checkmark to the left of all students receiving the same grade
    2. Next, select the common grade (i.e. A) from the dropdown box
    3. Click the <-add this grade to selected students button
  9. After you have entered grades for all students on the roster:
    1. Click the Save button
    2. Then select the Submit Grades to Registrar option from the dropdown menu.
    3. Click the Save button again
    4. Click the Post button
  10. After clicking the Post button, you will receive a confirmation that your grades were successfully posted to the student’s record.
  11. Your Faculty Center will now have the Posted Grade Roster icon next to the class.

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