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  4. Tips on how to go paperless and reduce waste generation from printing

Tips on how to go paperless and reduce waste generation from printing

  • Share notes and documents online through CUNY cloud-based services, including Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365, and Dropbox
  • Set up your printer and/or copier that defaults to duplex (double-sided), and if possible, migrate to a network printer instead of a desktop personal printer.
  • Color prints and copies are more expensive than black and white (B&W). Set up your default print to B&W and manually switch to color as needed.
  • Keep your materials paperless and on the screen. Reduce printing of course materials, typed drafts, and workshop materials that can be presented electronically.
  • Generate QR codes. Quick response (QR) codes contain device-readable data that can be scanned for links using a smart device. This utility is a fast and convenient way to share and distribute material.
  • Avoid a cross-hatch style shred. Shredding papers compromises the integrity of the fiber quality which could be recycled. The longer the physical paper fiber can result in a higher grade of recycled product.
  • When printing, use at least 30% post-consumer recycled content paper which was processed chlorine free. Repurpose old documents or paper to be discarded for scratch paper.
  • Unsubscribe from redundant mail and opt-in for paperless.

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