What is eProcurement Notes?

eProcurement Notes is a tool to assist end users with the tracking of requisitions through the procurement process. Requesters, supervisors, and approvers can view detailed status information about their requisitions in one centralized location.

To use eProcurement Notes, log in to your Brooklyn College WebCentral Portal account. If you do not have an account, click the “Create an Account” link and follow the instructions. After logging in to your WebCentral account, navigate to: E-Services > Restricted Administrative Applications > eProcurement Notes.

Once you have logged in, the following information will be displayed for each of your requisitions:

  • Requisition ID
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Entry Date
  • Description of Request
  • Assigned Buyer’s Initials
  • Vendor Name
  • Department
  • Fund
  • Program
  • Requisition/Purchase Order Status
  • Status Change Date
  • Dollar Amount
  • Requester’s Name
  • Notes Column

A clickable number in the Notes column, the column farthest to the right, indicates how many notes have been entered for each requisition. To view the notes for a particular requisition, click on the number in that column.

On the request detail page, the Notes section can be found below a table displaying the requisition information. Each note is composed of a topic, a message, the note’s author, and the note entry date.  

  • System notes are automated messages that are posted as the status of the requisition changes. System notes are posted once daily. If multiple status changes occur in a day, the system generates a note only for the most recent status change. Examples of system notes include:
    • Requisition Pending Approval(s)
    • Status was changed from “Requisition in Budget Error” to “Pending Assignment to Buyer”
    • Status was changed from “Requisition Pending Approval(s)” to “Assigned to Buyer”
    • Status was changed from “PO Approved” to “PO Dispatched”
  • User notes are messages from members of the offices of the SVP for Finance and Administration, Budget and Planning, Purchasing, and Accounts Payable, or from end users.

When entering notes, users may select from a list of prepared templates that may be adjusted accordingly and submitted to the intended recipient.

How to add a note

  1. Click the “Add New Note” button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Select the appropriate topic from the topic drop-down menu. If an appropriate topic cannot be found, select the “Department: Other” topic.
  3. In the pop-up window, check the box next to the message template of your choice (most topics have only one available selection), then click the X in the top-right corner. The text will then be loaded into the “Enter Note” text box.
  4. The text of the note may be modified as desired in the “Enter Note” text box.
  5. Click the “Send e-mail” checkbox to select the individuals who you would like to receive your note. Checkboxes may be selected or deselected from the list. Additional e-mail addresses may be entered free-form in the text box, one e-mail address per line. Once the note has been submitted, a copy of the note will be sent via e-mail to all of the selected recipients. (Alternatively, if the “Send e-mail” checkbox is left unchecked, the note will be submitted without being sent to any recipients.)
  6. When finished, click the “Submit New Note” button.
  7. In the pop-up window, the following reminder will be displayed: “You are about to submit a note. You will not be able to make changes to it after you submit. Are you sure you want to proceed?” Click “OK” to submit the note.

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