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  5. How can I prepare my mailbox for the M365 upgrade?

How can I prepare my mailbox for the M365 upgrade?

Here are some things you can to ensure a smooth migration:

  • Remove large attachments: Start by identifying and removing email attachments larger than 30 megabytes CUNY’s migration tool does not support these files. Also consider removing any large items that you don’t need, since these take up space and slow down the migration process. Learn how to find and remove large email attachments. You can download and store these files on free CUNY cloud storage tools such as Dropbox or OneDrive.
  • Archive non-essential and sensitive items: Consider locally archiving old and sensitive messages that you want to keep, but do not want migrated to the CUNY M365 cloud servers. After the migration, emails remaining on the server will be stored in the Microsoft cloud environment used by all CUNY colleges (not on local Brooklyn College servers as before). Learn how to create a local email archive in Outlook. 
  • Organize your folders: Take the time to review, organize, and consolidate your email folders. This will help simplify your post-migration verification process. There’s no right or wrong way to do this, just use an approach that works for you. 
  • Fully delete your messages: To ensure messages you delete are completely removed from the server, press Shift + Delete when deleting messages. Also be sure to empty your Deleted Items folder. These steps are important to ensure that deleted items are excluded from the migration.
  • Shared/Entity Mailboxes: Make sure ITS knows about all the shared/entity mailboxes that you and your office need to access. Learn more about shared mailboxes in M365.

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