How to create a purchase requisition

Before creating a requisition:

  • Scan all related paperwork (quotes, invoices, product pages, technical specifications, letters of justification, etc.), as they will need to be uploaded into CUNYfirst.
  • Run a budget query to ensure that funds are available for this purchase. For help running a budget query, refer to the How to Run the Budget Overview Query guide.
  • Please become familiar with the Purchasing guidelines before beginning.
  1. Log in to CUNYfirst.
  2. Navigate to Financials Supply Chain > eProcurement > Create Requisition.
  3. Select the appropriate Business Unit: Tax Levy (BKLPR), Non-Tax (BKL55), or  Early Childhood (BKL04)
  4. On the Define Requisition screen, enter a Requisition Name and click “Continue.”
    Note: “Requisition Name” is not a required field, but it is highly recommended, as it will help differentiate between multiple requisitions on the Manage Requisitions screen in CUNYfirst. Suggested names might include a reference to the vendor, specific items or services within the requisition, or an invoice or quote number.
    A requisition ID number will automatically be assigned.
  5. On the Add Items and Services screen, select the blue tab marked “Special Request.” This tab will now be the default tab, and will be tabbed forward whenever creating a requisition unless another tab is selected.
  6. In the Request Type section, always click on “Special Item” for any type of requisition.
  7. On the next screen, values must be entered in the following fields: Item Description, Price, Quantity, Unit of Measure, and Category. Vendor ID is optional. The Additional Information field is utilized when more information about the order must be submitted to the Office of Purchasing.
    • Item Description: Enter the vendor name, state or CUNY contract number (if applicable), item name or item number. Be as descriptive as possible.
    • Price: Enter the price without a dollar sign.
    • Quantity: Enter a numeric value. The quantity is per unit. For example, if buying envelopes and there are 1,000 per box, the quantity is just 1, for one box.
    • Category: Enter the 10-digit category code of the item(s) to be purchased. View a chart of common category codes.
      • To look up category codes, click the magnifying glass icon.
      • In the “Search By: Category” section, change “Category” to “Description.”
      • If the category code cannot be found using this method, refer to the OTPS Category Crosswalk to find the correct category code.
      • Note: Be very general with Category Code selections. The Office of Purchasing, using the detailed description of the item, will change the category code if it is not appropriate.
    • Vendor ID: Click the magnifying glass icon. On the next screen, enter the suggested vendor in the “Name” field and click “Find.” Locate the vendor in the resulting list below and click on the Vendor ID.
      Note: If the suggested vendor cannot be found, try searching by vendor zip code or full address. If the vendor cannot be found by searching by address or zip code, return to the previous screen by clicking “Return to Special Request” and enter the vendor’s name, address, telephone number and (if applicable) point of contact in the “Additional Information” field.
    • Unit of Measure: Enter the letters “EA,” for each.
    • Additional Information: Indicate that supporting documentation (quote, letter of justification, etc.) will be attached. Vendor information may also be entered in this field as well as any other pertinent information.
    • Click “Add Item” on the bottom left when all fields have been filled. The form will then reset and allow a second item to be added, if necessary. Repeat the process as necessary for each item in the order.
      Proceed to the next step to add a shipping line. If shipping is free a shipping line is not required. Skip to Step 7.
    • A shipping line can be entered on the “Add Items and Services” screen the same way as other items, using the following values:
      1. Item Description: Shipping
      2. Price: Quoted shipping price or, if none is available, 10 percent estimate of the total price
      3. Quantity: 1
      4. Category: 7810000000 (Mail and Cargo Transport)
      5. Vendor ID: same vendor ID as selected for items
      6. Unit of Measure: Enter the letters “EA,” for each.
  8. Click “Review and Submit” at the top of the screen.
  9. In this step, any related paperwork (quotes, product information pages, letters of justification, etc.) will be attached.
    1. Scroll to the right-hand side of the page and click on the “Comments” button located to the right of the item line.
    2. On the “Comments” screen, click the yellow button marked “Add Attachment.” Select “Browse” from the pop-up menu, and then find the files that were scanned and saved earlier. Select the file and then click “Upload.” When the upload is complete click the yellow “OK” button.
      Note: If a shipping line has been added, it must be set to “Amount Only.” Click the “Details” button located to the right of the shipping line. On the next screen, click the “Amount Only” checkbox on the bottom right, and then click the “OK” button at the bottom of the screen. Click “Yes” when the prompt appears on the screen.
  10. To modify chartfields for any or all items on the requisition, refer to the How to Edit a Purchase Requisition guide.
  11. This completes the requisition entry process. Click “Save and Submit,” to begin the approval process, or click “Save and preview approvals,” to save the requisition and come back to it later. Once the requisition has been saved, the browser window may be closed.
  12. To review a list of requisitions, refer to the How to Manage Requisitions guide

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