How do I send email attachments to my students? Here are a few options for sending attachments to your students:
How do I submit a multiple position report? Full-time faculty should submit multiple position reports online. (sign in using your WebCentral ID) For specific questions about filing the form,...
What is the Center for Teaching and Learning? The mission of the Brooklyn College Roberta S. Matthews Center for Teaching and Learning is to foster an outstanding educational...
Options for Remote Math and Science Instruction Detailed article Remote math and science instruction that involves writing complex math formulas and equations is a bit cumbersome using...
Faculty Elections BC Faculty Elections allows faculty members to participate in various elections conducted around the year, such as University Faculty Senate...
Scholarship Management System Access the scholarship management system as a committee member. Committee Member Login
How do I send a class cancellation or relocation alert? Use this application to notify your students of short-term class changes by email text message. Email is sent to the student’s college...
How do I view, download, and/or print my class roster in CUNYfirst? View detailed instructions and video walk-through from CUNY.